Well a couple of months ago I was having pains in
my abdomen and my dr. who I just saw on july 28th, says it could be an imbalance of my hormones and I might need to up my
dose. However.. my acne is really bad and my cholesterol was 100 and norm is 77-99 i believe so she put me on a cholesterol
pill, some anti-biotics for my acne and 2 natural pills to supplement those drugs. She also lowered my T dose from 1cc every
14 days to .8 cc every 14 days to help my acne and cholesterol along. In addition, im having a rough time sleeping on my back
still so I asked my surgeon, when i saw him also the 28th, for more flexiril to sleep more comfortably. The last thing I am
currently on is vicodin for the pain im still having. My right incision is rejecting the stitiches just now and its lookin
pretty bad cuz its opening a little but it seems to be healing. Im taking vitamins to help the healing process.
I saw my surgeon again on August 6th. That morning
the scab fell off of my chest from the right nipple and all that was there was a gaping 1/2 inch hole the size of maybe a
quarter. I was freaked until I saw Dr. Nguyen, he told
me it was fine and to let it heal and in a year he will revize my chest, cut the left nipple to make 2 nipples... one for
each side and revise the puckering effect and the scars. I am using mederma on the left side already, the sores are all gone
and its just scar tissue so I am trying to minimize the rough appearance the best I can for now. As for the right side, I
shower each morning and replace the gauze with new gauze and tape and wear tight wife beaters to hold it on well with some
antibiotic ointment. Sleep is getting a little easier, my body can handle moving around a little more on the sides some without
too much discomfort since Dr. Nguyen gave me some more flexiril. I also got some more percocet for the pain because when I
can feel the hole its extremely painful and i sit still so I dont hurt it... but with the meds I can function alright. Thats
about it, ill post some photos of my chest now.

These photos were taken the day before my appointment on the 6th.



These 3 photos were taken 8/9/08

Month Twelve>>>